Xenosatanism is a political movement and ideology created around 2021 by tumblr users and co-creators of the term radqueer, notably centaurus2087/stuprator-jester-tender.
A non exhaustive list of what it stands for taken directly from the first carrd draft :
Some other notable archives :
Perixenosatanism is an alternative term used by people agreeing with xenosatanism values but not in its entirety.
NeoXenosatanism is the evolution of the original xenosatanism values. the only remains of the original coining of xenosatanism being rather vague and incomplete, NeoXenosatanism aims to clarify and develop many of the points in the original coining.
━━━━━Eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population. Historically, eugenicists have altered various human gene frequencies by inhibiting the fertility of people and groups purported to be inferior or promoting that of those purported to be superior. -wikipedia
• Anti sanism(sanism is the discrimination and oppression against people who have, or who are labelled or perceived as having, a mental illness)
• Anti maladism(it’s basically antisanism but for physical illnesses.)
• Anti suicidism(suicidism is the oppression of suicidal individuals)
• Anti (institutionalized) psychiatry • Anti adultism & ageism• Full legalization and normalisation of any kind of body modifications including perceived “harmful” ones (and every person should be informed of the potential consequences or risk of every mod)
• Destigmatization of all kinds of self harm including dangerous ones.
━━━━━• A total de-sacralisation and destigmatization of sex, sexualisation and nudity
• Unsegregated pornography and other 'obscene’ materials should be accessible everywhere to everyone
• Public sex, nudity, and pornography legalized and socially encouraged
• Full legalization of sex work, for both adults and minors and people of all ages (under certain conditions for minors)
• Full legalisation of both real and fictional child porn
• Destigmatization and desacralization to some extent of rape, molestation, sexual abuse (bcs of a priori and retrospective harm induced by internalized social norms)
• Depending on the case, non-consensual but harmless sexual interaction should be legal, and not stigmatized
• Depathologisation of queer behaviors
━━━━━• Incest, bestiality, AAM(adult attracted minors)/MAP(minor attracted people), legalized and banalised
• Depathologisation and social banalisation of all kinks and paraphilias
• Drugs liberation
• Legalisation n social banalisation of cannibalism and
commercialisation of human flesh
• Drastic renewal of
the organization of the public space to make it safe for everyone
including disabled and homeless people
• Drastic school
• Pro surrogacy
(surrogacy is when
a person carries and delivers a child with the intention that another
individual or couple will be the intended parent(s).)
Prolonged delay for abortion (how far, yet to be determined)
Extended free speech (how far yet to be determined. We would like
complete free speech but it could be very counterproductive to our
own goals)
Political bisexualism
and counterproductive. As bad as political lesbianism.
deconstructionism (...) as a tool to breakdown and analyse social
constructs, system of belief of whatever kind, should be widely used
in society
• nihilism (separating value
judgements and other subjective mental constructs from facts), and
relativism (hierarchisation of facts is arbitrary, thus it’s
invented and not inherent to facts), and more globally anti-realist
stances, should be widespread positions in society
Graysatanism has been coined by Fang, the flag has been made by Nightmare. The following text is directly copypasted from Fang's coining post.
Graysatanism is intended as a sister term to xenosatanism, and focuses on spiritual ideas about balance as well as (in the therapeutic sense) radical acceptance.
Balance: Good and bad, as well as neutral, play an important part in the balance of the multiverse/universe/society. Graysatanism does not believe society (or the universe/multiverse) are intended to be or should become entirely "good" or "bad." Its goal is to maintain and respect the balance.
Radical Acceptance: In a therapeutic context, radical acceptance refers to accepting and letting go of what you cannot change, rather than frustrating yourself with feelings of helplessness and lack of control.
Morality: Morality is a social construct, meaning our ideas of good and bad are not factual, they are subjective. The different ideas we have of morality also play a part in the balance.
What Graysatanism is neutral to, it also values as a part of the balance, regardless of personal feelings. Graysatanism is neutral to other blankqueer stances, stances and politics overall.
Overall, the term Graysatanism itself is neutral, however this means Graysatanists can have differing views, and does not mean Graysatanists are neutral to everything on a personal level.
Graysatanism was coined with Witches, Satanists, Luciferians, those with problematic or outcasted spiritual beliefs in mind. Again, it was also coined as a sister term to Xenosatanism. If you are against the before mentioned, I as the coiner suggest you find another term to use.